Java 8 for Android Development
Kris Nicolaou, December 30, 2020

Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world. It provides you with a top-notch platform to create applications for Android globally and a marketplace for easy distribution. We can easily customize mobile and web applications for business solutions using Android OS.
Java is usually the default and most unanimously used programming language in Android Development since the introduction of the Android platform in 2008. It’s a completely object-oriented programming language initially created by Sun Microsystems in 1995, so the Android platform swiftly adopted it.
Java has evolved with its relationship with Android Development over time. Android Java 8 is not a recent version expansion, but it was significant. It allowed us to build new applications with ‘cleaner codes’ for the first time. Below is what we can achieve with Android Studio using Java 8 in application designs and development for your business or organization.
To understand Android Java 8, it helps to recognize the fundamental core features of Java generally. These characteristics are what makes Android count on it primarily so you can begin to create on its platform:
- It’s easy to learn and understand
- It’s platform-independent and secure
- High-level machine language
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM) makes it possible to run on any computer for your establishment or corporation
- You can write mobile apps in Java, then use the Android SDK to program against it
Java 8
Android Development Java 8 allows for user experience with various features and capabilities, even for the programmer. Multiple upgrades include Tools, JVM, Java programming, and libraries. Before jumping into Android and Android Studio use in Java 8, let’s look at some of the appealing features that it offers us.
- The most prominent feature is Lambda expressions that help you functionally write clear and concise code.
- Method references in Java 8 are forms of lambda expressions that are easy and compact.
- The functional interface has only one abstract method that can have any amount of static or default methods, and it declares methods of the object class.
- There’s a new class Optional, with null safety enhancement that leaves us with a precise and declarative code so we can focus on the more essential details.
- Introduction to type and repeating annotations make it easier for us to seamlessly repeat annotation in the same location as many times as we want.
- The Stream API has classes, interfaces, and an enum that permits us to process vast amounts of data in a more manageable way.
Other Java 8 enhancements include the following:
- Base64 Encode Decode
- Collectors class
- ForEach() method
- Nashorn Javascript Engine
- Parallel Array Sorting
- IO Enhancements
- Concurrency Enhancements
- JDBC Enhancements
These enhancements make the life of a programmer substantially efficient to deliver useful Android apps for an array of amplified uses to streamline your business operations.
One of the cool things about Java 8 is the additional security and tools aspect. Security is a vital component of any business when considering app or web design and development. The new security and tool qualities that can come with Java 8 include:
- The Java Secure Socket Extension enables the protocols Transport Layer Security by default for the client.
- Advanced Encryption Standard and Password-Based Encryption algorithms are added to the SunJCE provider.
- NSA Suite B Cryptography has increased support.
- You can do the Java Native Interface bridge to the native Java Generic Security Service on Mac OS X.
- If the JavaFX application is packaged correctly, the java command can launch it.
- The Java command manual page, the nroff and HTML are being completely reworked.
Java 8 Android
As you can see, Java 8 has many characteristics added for you to use at your gain. It’s entirely a big deal for Android because it makes it much easier for you to create new applications for businesses and clean up your existing code.
Android supports most of the Java 8 traits. However, there are some hiccups to using it in Android Studio, but you can easily overcome this challenge. The prerequisites are:
- Java Development Kit (JDK 8)
- Compiler JACK
- Android Studio 2.1 and higher
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Android Studio uses Java 8
To use the new Java 8 in Android Studio’s language features, you will need to use Jack’s toolchain, and migrating from Jack is done with little or no effort.
The other option is for us to try the latest version of Android Studio that improves support for the language features of Java 8. The language characteristics are built into the default toolchain.
Currently, Android Studio supports several Java 8+ APIs that don’t require a minimum API level for your application through the process called API desugaring and the DEX compiler (D8). Desugaring and D8 make the process simpler and allow you to have more standard language APIs in apps where older versions of Android are supported.
Applications By Android Java 8
App designs and mobile development can use these upgrades in Java 8 for Android Development. It’s used by financial organizations, gaming industries, tech devices, and much more. Its compact, boilerplate, more readable, testable, and reusable code, with parallel operations, advances the uses in many industries that already utilize Android Java development. The following are some applications that Java 8 Android can build:
- Basic Apps
- Multiple Choice Apps
- Image-Based Apps
- Map Applications
- Gaming Apps
- Business Apps
“Java 8 for Android Development is an amazingly efficient, simple, and seamless upgrade if you decide on building, from a minimum viable product to a fully fledged robust app.”