
Top Web Design Mistakes Small Businesses Make

Business websites set the tone for business success. A well-designed website is the public face of any firm, and must reflect its philosophy and mission, showcase its products and services, project an air of expertise and dedication, and testify to its achievements. It's a tall order.

In addition, the small business website must inform and excite, be easy to navigate, offer clear options, and lead potential customers to action, or it's not living up to its mission. If it's not visually interesting and functionally designed, visitors will go elsewhere.

First Impressions Count

Just as with any other first encounter, the first few seconds are critical. If your website doesn't load quickly, or if it isn't immediately apparent what your company does, and whom it serves, it's all too easy for a digital searcher to click away. If they more on, they are likely never to return. Make your message clear!

Make It Mobile Friendly

Modern consumers are always on the go! Even at home, they are likely to browse on a smartphone or tablet rather than on a desktop computer. Nearly half the respondents in a recent study report that if a website isn't designed to work well on a small screen, they feel that the company won't work well for their needs.

Small Business Websites Should Be Secure

It's vital for a firm that sells products or services online, and collects personal and financial information, but site security is also a concern if your site is strictly informational. Visitors want to feel protected; HTTPS sites not only offer a level of comfort to buyers, but they also load faster and demonstrate that a business is dedicated to up-to-date technology. In addition, secure sites tend to rank higher in searches.

Tell the World Where You Are and How to Contact You

You can't expect customers to find you if you don't include your address or phone number. It might seem obvious, but a surprisingly large percentage of small business websites neglect this critical information, or make it so hard to locate that potential customers move on. A "Contact Us" page is important, but it's equally important to display the information on a home page, or within the body of information. Customers also appreciate maps!

More Is Not Better

If may pay to diversify in some areas of business, but when it comes to websites, you'll want to have only one! If there are previous versions of a website still live on the internet, remove them. Your focus should be on a single site that clearly tells your story, graphically and with words designed to explain, excite and move visitors to action.

Invest In Your Future

A business marketing strategy is a multi-pronged investment. Toronto firms have options for small business website design, and it should be a priority for any company that focuses on long-term growth and success. Your website can be instrumental in helping to attract customers, increase conversion rates, and "tell your story." Assure your future with a professionally-designed website.

Brain Box has the resources and expertise to help you achieve your goals.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, a CTA is important in a website since it is one of the elements that instruct a website visitor to take immediate action in a compelling way. For most websites, CTAs come in the form of text, banner, button, image, or other elements. The goal of a CTA is to prompt the visitor to take action at the right moment on the right page.
When connecting to a website with a regular HTTP, your browser will look up the IP that corresponds to the website, connect to that IP address, and assume it's connected to the correct web server. This is a major disadvantage since data is sent over the connection in cleartext. An eavesdropper on a Wi-Fi network, your ISP, or government intelligence agencies can see the pages you're visiting and the data you are transferring.
SSL is a protocol used in encrypting Internet traffic and verifying a server's identity. It is a data file hosted in a website's origin server, and by using it, SSL/TLS encryption becomes possible. SSL certificates also contain a website's public key and identity, along with related information. Through SSL certificates, websites can move from HTTP to HTTPS.
Google ranks websites according to the safety and usability that each site offers. If your website isn't secure, it's unlikely to feature prominently on a web search.
There are many free, open-source, stock photography sites on the internet that you could use. Alternatively, you could pay for a creative photoshoot or buy stock photography you like.
In a mobile-driven age, not focusing on mobile users would be a severe mistake. Over 51% of all internet searches take place on mobile. Additionally, Google offers lower rankings to websites that don't load well on mobile.