What is Storyboarding in UX?

Storyboarding is a crucial aspect of creating engaging and satisfying customer experiences. It's an essential tool that helps to visualize and communicate a story's structure, sequence, and flow. Storyboarding is widely used in animation, film, video production, and even business to create presentations and advertisements.

In this digital age, businesses understand the need to invest in visual design. Visual content leads to higher engagement, with a 98 percent comment rate. This underscores the importance of creating visual content that resonates with your audience.

Another survey found that 35 percent of people prefer to view Instagram Story format, which uses narrative-style storytelling.

In user experience design, storyboarding is critical in creating a user-centered design that meets the target audience's needs. It allows designers to visualize and test the user journey, identify pain points, and make necessary adjustments before the development phase.

By creating storyboards, designers can quickly and easily prototype and iterate the user interface, user flow, and interaction design. It helps to ensure that the design meets the user's needs, is intuitive, and provides a seamless experience.

Storyboarding is also an effective tool for communicating design ideas and concepts to stakeholders and team members. It aligns everyone's vision, objectives, and goals, making collaborating easier and delivering a cohesive user experience.

For instance, when designing a mobile app. UI/UX designers can create a storyboard showing how users interact with the app's features. It can include the signup process to purchase completion. By doing this, they can identify potential usability issues, such as complex navigation, slow loading times, or unclear calls to action.

Key Takeaways

  • Storyboarding plays a considerable role in ensuring the end-product can increase customer satisfaction.
  • Walt Disney Studios have been using storyboarding since the 1920s.
  • A high-fidelity storyboard is always best to ensure it reflects the customer journey.

What is a storyboard?

In UX, a storyboard is a visual representation of a story or concept presented in a sequence of sketches or images. It's a tool used in various creative fields, including film, animation, advertising, and user experience design.

Storyboarding has become a popular technique for visualizing and prototyping user experiences in UX design. It's a way to plan the user journey and explore different design concepts, interactions, and flows.

Storyboarding in UX design can be traced back to the early days of user-centered design. While storyboarding has been around for decades, it wasn't until the rise of digital design that it became a common practice in UX.

Walt Disney Studios popularized the use of storyboards in animation. The studio began using sketches of frames as wireframes in the 1920s, allowing animators to refer to visual representations before they worked on the animation.

In the world of UX design, storyboarding has become an essential tool for creating user-centered designs. It allows designers to visualize the user experience and test different scenarios before the development phase. Using storyboards, designers can create more effective designs that meet users' needs and exceed their expectations.

The Role of Storyboard in UX Design

Storyboarding plays a vital role in UX design. It provides numerous benefits that enhance the design process and create a better user experience. Take a look at the role of storyboards in UX design.

Aids visualization

A picture is worth a thousand words. This applies to design visualization. Employing storyboarding can save design teams plenty of time and energy in developing products for their audience.

Storyboards are a powerful visual representation of a user's journey through a product or service. Designers can easily visualize the user experience using storyboards and identify potential issues or roadblocks. It is a powerful visualization tool that aids the design thinking process.

Storyboarding saves time and energy by allowing design teams to explore different design concepts before moving to the development phase. The visual nature of storyboards also increases the memorability of the user experience. Visuals make it more likely for users to remember and engage with the product.

Increases engagement

Storytelling is a powerful tool that elicits engagement from target audiences. People naturally respond to stories due to our innate curiosity, encouraging them to interact with a product.

Storyboarding can help designers create compelling stories that resonate with the target audience and keep them engaged. This engagement can translate into increased customer satisfaction, leading to increased sales.

Adds a human touch

Storyboards facilitate a personal connection to a story. People identify with characters who encounter challenges that parallel their own real-life experiences.

When designers create storyboards, they typically infuse the characters with emotions, adding a human touch to the user experience. This emotional state can make the product or service more relatable and increase the likelihood of user engagement.

Elements of a UX Storyboard Design

A UX design storyboard is a powerful tool that helps designers visualize how users will interact with their product or service.

Here are the essential elements that must be present when creating a UX design storyboard.


The scenario is the narrative that describes a user's interaction with the designed product or service. It should be a sequential representation of the user's journey, starting with their initial motivation or goal. The scenario should include details such as the user's emotional state, environment, and any obstacles or challenges they may face.

For example, a scenario for a mobile banking app could be: "John wants to transfer money to his friend, but he forgot his friend's account details, and he's in a hurry to catch a flight."


Visuals are a crucial element of a UX design storyboard as they help convey the user's journey more engagingly and impactfully. Visuals can be sketches, illustrations, photographs, screenshots, or any other visual aids that represent the user's experience.

They help designers communicate their ideas more effectively and create a shared understanding of the designed product or service.

Using the mobile banking app scenario above, the visual could be a screenshot of the app's interface. It can include a highlight on the transfer money button.

Including visuals that show a human face or emoticons that convey the user's emotional state can help designers empathize with users and create a more engaging and effective design. A UX design storyboard is an excellent tool for creating a tutorial or motion picture that illustrates the user's journey and showcases the product's features and benefits.


Captions are brief annotations that accompany visuals in a UX design storyboard. They provide additional context or explanation to help the viewer understand the design concept. Captions should be concise and easy to understand.

For example, the caption could be: "John uses the transfer money button to transfer but cannot remember friend's account details."

Pro Tip

When creating a storyboard, use clear and concise visual language to depict the user's journey through the product. Avoid unnecessary details or distractions.

Creating an effective storyboard can help you present and communicate your design concepts to team members. This step-by-step guide will discuss using storyboards in the UX design process.

Data collection

To create an effective storyboard, UX designers must understand users' needs, behaviors, and motivations. Data collection can provide valuable insights into user behavior and preferences, which can inform the design of the storyboard.

Start by conducting user interviews to gather data on pain points, goals, and behaviors. Use this data to create user personas to represent the different types of users of the product. Brainstorm with the design team to develop ideas and solutions based on the research findings.

Define fidelity

Before starting the storyboard, define the product's fidelity. Fidelity refers to how closely the prototype replicates the product's real-world applications. High-fidelity prototypes are more detailed and closer to the end product, whereas low-fidelity prototypes are more straightforward and quicker to create.

Spending considerable time and effort developing high-fidelity prototypes is best when the product's fidelity requires it.

Lay down the basics

Starting with the basics helps simplify the design process by breaking the user's journey into smaller, more manageable steps. This makes it easier to determine and address specific issues and to test and refine the design as it evolves.

To lay down the basics of the storyboard, start with a template. The template should include the user flow, which outlines the steps the user will take to complete a task. Use a whiteboard or digital tool to sketch the storyline.

Plan the story

Once the user flow is established, it's time to plan it. This involves documenting the sequence of events and linking them with arrows based on user research. This process helps create a clear visualization of the user's journey and can help identify gaps or issues that need addressing.

Incorporating an emotional state icon into each step can help visualize the content of each visual frame. It's also essential to have an outcome or a conclusion to wrap up the story.

Say you're designing a mobile app that helps users find nearby restaurants. Consider the user's goals and needs to plan the story for your storyboard. In this case, the user's goal is likely to find a restaurant that meets their preferences and needs.

Put yourself in their shoes, and consider what they think and feel now. They could be hungry or craving a particular cuisine. After this, define the problem. In this case, the problem is finding a nearby restaurant that meets their needs. The next step is presenting solutions. You should include features about location, cuisine category, price range, and ratings.

Using this process, you can create a storyboard that tells a story of a user who is hungry and looking for a nearby restaurant. The storyboard might include scenes, such as the user opening the app, selecting filters to narrow their search, and viewing restaurant options.

Work on visuals and craft captions

Once the story is ready, it's time to work on the visuals. Creating wireframes or basic sketches can help convey the intended message without requiring top-notch drawing skills. Captions in bullet points can also provide additional context that may not be immediately apparent in the visuals.

Review and iterate

Finally, once the storyboard is complete, reviewing and iterating on it is crucial. Having team members provide feedback can help identify any issues or areas that need improvement. Developing several iterations can also help test the storyboard's functionality and ensure it aligns with the user's needs.

Ask them if the storyboard accurately represents the user's perspective. Let them give feedback if the interactions and emotions are clear and if there are any gaps or inconsistencies. After gathering feedback, analyze it and look for patterns or common issues. Consider the feedback in the context of the design problem and determine if any changes are necessary.

Based on the feedback, make changes to the storyboard. This may include adding, removing, rearranging frames, adjusting the visuals, or revising the interactions. Repeat the process until you arrive at a UX design that accurately represents user perspectives.

By following these steps and incorporating user research and design thinking principles, designers can create compelling storyboards that help create better user experiences.

Master UX Storyboarding

Storyboarding is a powerful technique to help UX designers create better user experiences. By visualizing user journeys and interactions, designers can identify potential issues and opportunities for improvement. Designers can also use storyboarding to communicate their ideas to stakeholders and get buy-in for their designs.

Use design thinking principles to make the most of storyboarding. This means empathizing with users, defining the problem, ideating potential solutions, prototyping, and testing. With it, designers ensure that their storyboards accurately reflect user needs and preferences and that their designs are helpful.

When creating visuals for UX, remember that good design is more than just aesthetics but also about functionality and usability. Aesthetics should enhance the user experience, not distract from it. Therefore, it's best to focus on the user's needs and preferences when designing visuals. Don't forget to test and iterate designs based on user feedback.

In summary, if you're a UX designer looking to improve your design process and create better user experiences, consider incorporating storyboarding into your workflow. Using design thinking principles and focusing on user needs allows designers to create functional visuals that meet user expectations.

So, grab a pen and paper, start visualizing your user journeys, and let your creativity flow.

Don't let poor UX design turn your customers away. Explore how Brain Box Labs can help you create a storyboard that caters to your target audience. Connect with us today.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The customer journey is an essential consideration in storyboard design. It typically involves planning the journey that a customer will take. It starts from initial awareness of a product or service to purchasing or taking other desired actions.
Storyboarding and wireframing are two distinct design processes used to develop different types of projects. While they may share some similarities, the two have differences. Storyboarding's purpose is mainly to create narrative-driven projects. Wireframing, on the other hand, is more for user interface-driven projects. Storyboarding focuses on the story, the emotional impact, and the user experience of the content. In contrast, wireframing focuses on the product's functionality, layout, and user interface.
The three main types of storyboarding include thumbnail, traditional, and digital. Thumbnail Storyboarding uses quick and rough sketching of ideas that help to visualize the story. Traditional storyboards aid the writer, producer, and director visualize their initial concept through pencil sketches. Digital storyboards no longer use pencil sketches but the same graphics appearing in the final video or animation. It allows everyone involved to preview what the end product will look like.