User Experience (UI) Design

Brain Box is a leader in website UX and UI design. Our team of web designers creates beautiful and functional websites with a proven process and unique approach that hinges on several core UX design principles.

Our UX Design Process

We have an established process for website UX and UI design. While each project and client is different, this process has proven to result in the best website designs.


Before we dive into designs, we want to understand you, your business and, most importantly, your users. We'll take the time at the beginning of the project to deeply understand the pain points we're trying to solve, and how we can solve them better than the competition. We'll also get to know your identity, tone of voice and unique product offering so we can design for the brand you've already worked hard to create.

User Personas

Quality UX and UI design requires a deep understanding of the end user. We'll translate what we learn in the discovery phase into user personas -- a representation of the different types of user groups who will be coming to your site, what they care about and how they'll behave. We'll refer back to these personas throughout the UX design process to ensure your website's user experience is optimized for the people who will be using it.

Information Architecture

A successful project always begins with a thoughtful plan; that's how we kick off the UX design process. Through an information architecture exercise, we'll gain an understanding of all the content and functionality that needs to exist on the site, and develop a site map. This high-level overview will help guide the rest of the project.

User Flow Mapping

As a next step, we'll look at the site from a 1,000-foot view. We'll map out how users will flow through and behave on your website, specifically focusing on entry points and key conversion steps.


After we understand how a user will navigate the site, we'll draw up the wireframes. Wireframes organize content on a page without getting prescriptive about the page design itself. This exercise empowers our UX design team to understand and optimize the content on each individual page.

UI design

After we've solidified what content should exist on key screens, our UX and UI designers will bring your website designs to life. We'll apply your visual identity -- colours, typography, photo and illustration styles, and more -- to your website's page designs to create a beautiful, functional, easy-to-use web UI design.


It's one thing to look at a flat design file, and it's an entirely different experience to view designs in a prototype. Before we build your website, we build a prototype -- a design mock-up that allows you to navigate through the user experience we mapped out in phase one. This allows us to experience the site from the perspective of the users, and helps us iterate and perfect the user experience before we move into development.


Brain Box has a highly skilled team of web developers ready to turn your UI designs into fully coded, live website pages. We'd love to work with you after the UX design process to build your website.

Our UX Design Principles

UX designs should be simple, but that doesn't mean the work is easy. Quite the opposite: Quality UX and UI design requires keen attention to detail and an obsession with understanding user behaviour. To deliver world-class work, our team approaches UX and UI design with several core values in mind.

Design With the User in Mind

Our websites are beautiful, but we design them to be functional first. We use empathy in our process, putting ourselves in the users' shoes so we can understand their challenges and pain points -- and alleviate them. We work hard to deeply understand the people who will be using our websites so we can make their experience as easy and enjoyable as possible.

Don't Make Me Think

If a user ever has to stop and wonder what to do next, we haven't done our job. Quality design allows a user to gracefully, effortlessly move through a website without ever pausing to wonder what to do next. That means we craft websites that are easy to use and simple to navigate, anticipating how a user will behave so we can take the guesswork out of the user experience.

Add Delight

While functionality is important, we also want users to enjoy using the interfaces we design. When a user feels good while visiting one of our sites, they are more likely to share it with their friends -- and that's marketing money can't buy. We build sites people enjoy visiting by crafting copy, colours, visuals and motion to craft a user experience that users talk about.

Less Is More

Complicated web design gets in the way of user action. Our user interfaces are designed to be simple and easy to use. We keep copy as clear and concise as possible, use thoughtful navigation and make calls-to-actions easy to spot and engage with. With the attention to detail put into every design, we ensure you website not only looks beautiful, but it converts.

Work With Us

We'd love to hear about your vision for your website, and talk about how our UX design team can bring it to life. Contact us today to talk to one of our UX and UI strategists about your project.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Brain Box uses a complex - but not over-complicated - process to develop the UX/UI for your site or app. They start by getting to know you, your tastes, and your goals for your project. By getting more acquainted with you, Brain Box can create something that truly feels like your own. Next, they get familiar with the type of users your site will attract, allowing them to make the most inviting design for your...
The UX and UI designers at Brain Box are tasked with making your site as streamlined as possible. They’re responsible for things like navigation, site layouts, and helping with finer details like fonts and formatting. colours, texts, and graphics are all things Brain Box allows you to get involved with when creating your app. The UX/UI designers serve as a conduit between the ideas in your mind and the finished product. They can also use...
We’ve all been there - a website that runs slowly, is difficult to navigate, or doesn’t have a straightforward design. What do most of us do when we encounter such a website? We either give up and head to a competitor, or we power through and remember it as a negative experience. Both options make the chances of lost business skyrocket. A negative user experience is something you want to avoid. The thorough development process...
An effective website design should fulfil its intended function by conveying its particular message while simultaneously engaging the visitor. Several factors, such as consistency, colours, typography, imagery, simplicity, and functionality, contribute to good website design. At Brain Box Labs, we work hard to deeply understand the people who will be using our websites so we can make their experience as easy and enjoyable as possible with the help of our UI & UX designers.
UI and UX design present different aspects of creative flow for a digital product such as a website or mobile app. UI/UX designers have to concentrate on core aspects such as usability, utility, accessibility, and desirability. Whereas programmers or developers are people who actually build the website or mobile application planned and designed by UI/UX designers.
Some clients don't need a totally new website, but rather they just need to make their existing website more functional and user-friendly with the help of UI and UX designers. We'd love to hear about your vision for your website, and talk about how our UX design team can bring it to life.