Modern Application Development

Your company might require a specific addition to a website, or maybe a whole website that revolves around a particular system. How do you make your website both attractive to the user and highly functional?

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The most common methods, as most businesses have realized, is developing custom web applications. These applications are uniquely designed to fit the clients' needs, in addition to being easy to maintain and update. They bring custom technology to the hands of businesses that need it most.

Brain Box specializes in developing custom web applications that fits the needs of our business partners while offering them full control of how those apps function and the data they deal in. Responsive design is married to efficient functionality, allowing our customers to feel reassured that their custom web applications are of the highest quality and perform the job that they are intended to do.

What Are Custom Web Applications?

Many businesses complain that websites don't perform the functions which they want them to do, but that's solely because those businesses haven't discovered the flexibility of applications that are custom made for their business models.

strategy of developing custom web applications
Online Car Insurance Quote Finder: We helped build the application and business from the ground up

Custom web applications are uniquely designed software that run within a website in order to perform a specified task. These may be entire pages or simply widgets added to a site in order to give functionality to a particular page. This allows your business to fully customize how your clients interact with you and vice versa.

Why are Custom Web Applications Important for Businesses?

When dealing with clientele online, a business usually has a single point of contact - their website. How a user experiences that website is the first impression your business makes with that client and first impressions are very important to many consumers. It's because of this that your company should turn to custom web applications that are tweaked and streamlined to offer a superior user experience. Custom web applications offer functionality to business’ websites that they otherwise wouldn't have as well as extend the functionality of those sites. A business that wants to offer a true user experience would do well to look into custom web applications for their online presence.

Types of Custom Web Applications Available

There are a lot of different applications that a company can look into when developing for the web. These applications cover a lot of the different areas that interest a business in the online space. These include:

  • Content Management Systems (CMS): A majority of websites these days have a CMS in order to deal with the amount of content that they have available to them. A CMS is designed to make dealing with thousands of bits of content easier by enabling categorization and querying.
    Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Business Process Automation: These custom applications enable a business to focus more on the delivery of services rather than the process of marketing and generating leads. They enable a clean interface between the client and the business and automate most of the information handling on registration.
    Business Process Automation Application
  • Consumer Relationship Management (CRM): CRM systems are common in any industry that requires a constant need to keep track of customer feedback and potential future customers. Because of the specificity of a CRM, businesses now lean towards building these as custom software solutions to get the most out of their CRM.
    Consumer Relationship Management (CRM)
    BrokerBridge: Next-generation CRM software for leading sales teams focus on Insurance Brokers.
  • E-Commerce/Online Store: Most businesses that have a product or service that they want to market use these as a unique custom application in order to let potential clients see what they have on offer. Businesses that are serious about their growth tend to opt for custom software solutions for their online store needs.
    Consumer Relationship Management (CRM)
    Fitness Equipments E-commerce Online Store Website
  • Web Portals: These are good for creating custom scheduling methods and allow for flexibility between clients and professionals within a business. By creating these as custom applications, they allow for a flexible means of interacting with clients and allowing clients to offer direct communication with their operatives.
    custom web application photo

Why A Business Needs Custom Web Applications

Competition in the online space is intense and having an edge is always a benefit for a business. A custom designed application shows your business' dedication to its image as well as its innate professionalism. A well-designed and responsive custom application enables a company to be flexible and scalable, since these applications can run on any browser, both desktop and mobile based.

Your company's online presence should reflect its class, and a well-designed web application with all the bells and whistles is not just a luxury, it’s a necessity.

Business Needs Custom Web Applications
Responsive Custom Web Application

How Can Custom Web Applications Transform a Business?

Custom web applications can change the very nature of how a company does business, simply because of how intuitive well-designed custom applications can be. Responsive web applications attract users through their form and their execution, Additionally, as a business grows, the application can potentially grow with them.

This makes them fully scalable and doesn't constrict the business from its future potential. Finally, a custom web application offers peace of mind through security of data. With the ability to house applications on cloud servers or backup the data contained in them automatically to the cloud, these applications offer a level of security never before seen in the business world.

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Use Brain Box for your Custom Web Applications

If you're ready to experience a true combination of design, development and execution in custom web applications, don't hesitate to contact Brain Box today.

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Frequently Asked Questions

JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are the three most basic technologies used in designing and developing web applications. But other programming languages are usually utilized as well, including Java, Python, and PHP, among many others.
The difference lies in the nature of the web content. If it offers only information about a product or service, or it exists solely as an information hub, then you can categorize it as a website. Examples include news sites, wiki sites, most blogs, and corporate sites that contain mostly information only. Web apps, on the other hand, facilitate user interaction, or allow end users to input or manipulate information, perform transactions, or interact with...
The foremost advantage offered by a web app is accessibility. Because the web app is hosted online, end users can easily access it through the Internet. Web apps also offer the advantage of mobility, wherein people can make use of apps even if they’re not in the office, as long as they have an Internet connection. Lastly, most web apps are designed with scalability in mind, which means that they are built with the consideration...